Learning Centre
Intuyu Consulting

“In turn, leadership teams are driven by the moral purpose of improving the educational outcomes of all students. They empower and develop their staff, collectively and individually at their point of need, expect consistency of practice and establish high levels of accountability. They create safe environments where teachers are able to develop their practice with others.”
“Effective leaders contribute to a school culture where learning can flourish through quality communication, high expectations, collaboration, challenge, trust building and support. They create the conditions where leadership thrives by building team capacity, collectively and individually, with a shared purpose based on the school's vision and values, context and data.”
The challenge many schools face is finding a leadership developmental program that is cost and time-effective while empowering and enabling the middle leaders in their existing roles.

To have the middle leaders reflect on their current teams and discuss what is working, the challenges, the causes and the future they would like in their teams
To have explored what taking a stand as a leader means and the concept of socially constructed leadership
To develop the capacity of middle leaders to create and communicate a vision and a future that inspires and empowers those around them
To discuss some of the hidden influences on teams, including learning readiness, beliefs and mindset, deficit vs developmental contexts, tribal leadership, and collaboration vs cooperation
To develop the capacity of the middle leaders to build self-trust and radical candour
To give an opportunity for the middle leaders to select an area to develop themselves in
To discuss the principals of coaching and stages of skill development
To have the middle leaders go through the GROW model of coaching
To deepen the capacity of middle leaders to listening actively
To provide an opportunity for the middle leaders to practice coaching, observing and being coached
To discuss the John Kotter’s two “operating systems” and eight step change model
To discuss the process of strategically leading curriculum and pedagogical change
To have the middle leaders critically review and reflect upon the progress of their team towards the previous Annual Implementation Plan
To support the middle leaders to begin creating an action plan based on the AIP
To discuss how the action plan could be used